2021-03-31 20:44:42

Earth Day 2021

Uoči Dana planete Zemlje 2021., učenici 5. razreda sudjelovali su u projektu „Štiti vodu za globalnu slobodu“.


“Protect Earth, Save Water

For Global Freedom“


What basic things about protecting Earth and water do we need to know?

Go through this presentation to find out. 


Check some other ideas from pupils on how you can protect Earth and water. 


As an introduction to Earth Day 2021 activites, pupils from 5 b have participated in a project “Save Water For Global Freedom“.+

Earth Day 2021


From brainstorming and choosing one idea…



From working hard…

…to being proud…




…and raising awareness of water protection.




Pupils from seventh grades watch documentaries about saving Earth and water on Earth.

Here are their notes taken as they watched, in a form of mind maps.








These are just the first steps.

Other planned steps to raise awareness on saving water:

- poster displays

- presenting the topic to classmates

- working on a small scale model of an acquarium with deep water flora and fauna

- and many more…

We'll be back.  

Osnovna škola "Mladost" Osijek